Kickoff Meeting, May 24th-25th 2012
Here is the proposed agenda. Please note that the room of each days are different. AHLS Kickoff meeting
May 24th - Day 1 - Research projects discussions
Room M-2101
09:00 09:15 Introduction - dvanced Host-Level Surveillance (AHLS) Project (Mario Couture)
09:15 10:30 Track 1: Scalable Observation infrastructure - Low disturbance multi-level observation and production of enhanced data (Michel Dagenais) Presentation of the research sub project and discussions
10:30 10:45 Break
10:45 12:00 Track 2: Scalable Observation infrastructure - Advanced host-based Centralized data store and software pattern identification (Michel Dagenais) Presentation of the research sub project and discussions
12:00 13:00 Lunch
13:00 15:00 Track 3: Scalable Detection infrastructure - Harmonized Anomaly Detection Techniques (Upload a presentation) (Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj) Presentation of the research sub project and discussions
15:00 15:15 Break
15:15 16:45 Track 4: Scalable Detection infrastructure - Knowledge base for the Linux kernel (Ashvin Goel) Presentation of the research sub project and discussions
16:45 17:15 Conclusion Summary of the discussions around all tracks
May 25th - Day 2 - Project organisation and planning
Room M-5519
09:00 09:15 Introduction Planning of the day and review of first day conclusions
09:15 10:15 General processes presentation and discussion (Mario Couture) Review of the document prepared by Mario Couture on the general organisation of the project.
10:15 11:00 Project website and reports (Maria Ulyanko et Yannick Brosseau) Presentation of a proposed website structure and reporting infrastructure. Discussions
11:00 11:15 Break
11:15 12:00 Git repositories (Yannick Brosseau) Introduction to GIT and distributed version control concepts. Discussions on what kind of files goes into version control and how libraries, executables, documentation, early prototypes, mature prototypes, released software branches... are organized.
12:00 12:30 Project Management software (Upload a presentation) (Alexandre Montplaisir) Presentation of a proposed project management tool and its intented use. Discussions
12:30 13:30 Lunch
13:30 14:00 Trace Generation with LTTng (Upload a presentation) () (Julien Desfossez) Presentation of the trace generation tools provided by LTTng. Available kernel tracepoints, how to instrument a userspace application in C, Java and other languages. Discussion on required trace information and how each track will need to use tracing.
14:00 14:45 Trace analysis with LTTV (C/C++) (Yannick Brosseau) Presentation on the trace analysis infrastructure for C/C++ and discussion on how to integrate the research work from each track in it.
14:45 15:45 Trace analysis with Eclipse TMF/LTTng Studio (Java) Matthew Khouzam Presentation on the trace analysis infrastructure for Java and discussion on how to integrate the research work from each track in it.
15:45 16:00 Break
16:00 16:45 Specifics needs Discussion on the specific needs of each research unit, track and partners not already discussed.
16:45 17:15 Planning of the upcoming year Discussion on the objectives of the first year of the project and planning of deliverables and meetings.
17:15 17:30 Conclusion